Impotence / erectile dysfunction

What Impotence Means
Impotence is just another word for erectile dysfunction or ED. Its when a man has difficulty getting or maintaining an erection long enough for sex. When you hear someone talk about impotence, hes talking about ED.
Most of the time this site will use the words erectile dysfunction and ED instead of impotence. But theyre the exact same thing. And when you talk to your doctor, you can use either term. Whatever makes you most comfortable.
Blood flow is key.

ED occurs when not enough blood flows to the penis, preventing an erection.
And its more common than you think.
Turns out, more than half of men over 40 have some difficulty getting and maintaining an erection. So your age can be a factor.

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But its not the same for everyone.
ED can happen in a few ways. Some men cant get an erection at all. Some can. But its not hard enough for sex. Others can get a hard erection but lose it before or during sex. Learn more about erectile dysfunction symptoms.
Heres the bottom line.

Erectile dysfunction is not all in your head. Its not just a part of aging that you have to accept. Its a real medical condition. So it should be treated like one. In most cases, your erections wont improve without treatment.

Erectile Dysfunction Causes
There are many erectile dysfunction causes. Sometimes its caused by a health condition. Other times, lifestyle plays a role. But blood flow is always important. If blood is prevented from properly flowing to the penis, it can lead to erectile dysfunction.
Sometimes, ED can be caused by a medical condition.

Many conditions including diabetes, high cholesterol, and hardening of the arteries can affect blood flow in the body. And this can lead to ED. Also, depression can lead to ED.

Other times, its caused by medications.
Some medicines that men take for conditions like high blood pressure and depression can lead to ED.

Lifestyle factors can also play a part.
For example, smoking can damage blood vessels. And it can lead to hardening of the arteries. This may prevent blood flow to the penis and can cause ED.

Erectile Dysfunction Symptoms
Erections depend on proper blood flow to the penis. Heres why:
  • When a man is sexually aroused, the brain sends an impulse telling the arteries in the penis to widen
  • As a result, more blood flows to the penis
  • The penis expands, hardens, and becomes erect
  • Sometimes, this blood flow can be restricted. And that can lead to erectile dysfunction.
Erectile dysfunction symptoms include when a man has trouble:
  • Getting an erection at all
  • Keeping an erection hard enough for sex
  • Maintaining an erection before or during sex
  • ED happens in different ways.
  • Some men with ED find it difficult to get an erection every time they try to have sex. For others, erectile dysfunction symptoms can happen just once in a while.
Either way, its a medical condition that can be treated.
Both safely and effectively. So if you think youve had any symptoms, talk to a doctor. Together, you can decide if VIAGRA is right for you.
There are medication treatment for ED like Sildenafil Citrate
More over This is a Prescription DRugs
If you any symptoms of Erectile Dysfunction or Impotence feel free to consult your medical practitioner or your Family Physician 


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